Find the corresponding Jewish date for a given Civil date or the corresponding Civil date for a given Jewish date.
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Today is Friday, March 28, 2025, corresponding to the Jewish date 28 Adar 5785.

Civil to JewishJewish to Civil
Select the Month, Date, and Year of a Civil date and click the Get Jewish Date button; the system will return the day of the week and the Jewish date for the selected date:

The requested date in Hebrew letters is: כ״ח אדר תשפ״ה
Select the Date, Month, and Year of a Jewish date and click the Get Civil Date button; the system will return the Civil date for the selected Jewish date:



Recent Inquiries:
Date SuppliedDate Returned
Jewish date 1 Tishri 5560Civil date September 30, 1799
Civil date January 1, 1800 Jewish date , 4 Tevet 5560
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Civil date May 4, 1800 Jewish date , 9 Iyyar 5560
Civil date January 1, 1995 Jewish date , 29 Tevet 5755
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Jewish date 1 Tishri 5560Civil date September 30, 1799
Civil date January 1, 1800 Jewish date , 4 Tevet 5560
Jewish date 1 Tishri 5560Civil date September 30, 1799
Civil date April 15, 1992 Jewish date , 12 Nisan 5752
Jewish date 1 Tishri 5560Civil date September 30, 1799
Civil date January 1, 1800 Jewish date , 4 Tevet 5560
Civil date February 2, 1801 Jewish date , 19 Shevat 5561
Jewish date 1 Tishri 5735Civil date September 17, 1974